How to set the temperature and humidity of constant temperature and humidity test chamber?

3 min readJun 25, 2021


Example: the constant temperature and humidity chamber equipment needs to start working after 150 minutes, 10 cycles, each cycle set 2 stages, the first stage needs to work for 600 minutes, the temperature is controlled at 28℃, the illumination level is 6, the humidity is controlled at 60%RH; The second stage takes 1200 minutes, with temperature controlled at 10 ° C, light level 4 and humidity controlled at 50%RH.

1. Long press the Setting/Check key for 4 seconds to enter the general setting interface;

2. Click the Set/Check key, right click and switch the cursor to the value of the total period, use the △ and ▽keys, Set/Check key to change the total period set value to 10; Then click the “Set/Check” key, and the cursor stops over the total number of segments. Change the set value of the total number of segments to 2. Then click the “Set/Check” key, and the cursor stops on the value of the reservation time and changes the reservation time to 150 minutes.

3. Then click the Setting/Check key to enter the first setting interface, and the cursor stops on the value of temperature, and change the temperature setting value to 28℃; Click the “Set/Check” key to stop the cursor on the value of humidity and change the setting value of humidity to 60%RH. Then click the “Set/Check” key to stop the cursor on the value of illumination and change the setting value of illumination to level 6. Then click the “Set/Check” key, and the cursor stops on the time value. Change the time set value to 600 minutes.

4. Click the Set/Check button again to enter the setting state of paragraph 2. Modify the setting values of temperature, humidity, illuminance and time to 10℃, 50%RH, level 4 in accordance with the above methods; Finally, long press the setting/Check key for 4 seconds to exit the setting interface and return to the main interface. The setting is completed;

5. Long press the R/S key for 2 seconds, and the controller starts timing according to the appointment time. The running status shows: appointment timing… After 120 minutes, the program starts to run the first segment;

6. After the program enters the first section, if the timing mode in the internal parameter is 0, then the timing starts, and the running state shows: is timing… ; If the timing mode is 1, the running status is displayed as: Running… , when the temperature reaches the set value, the timing begins; If the timing mode is 2, the timing will start when both temperature and humidity reach the set value.

7. After the end of the first period, enter the second period; after the end of the second period, enter the first period of the second cycle, and so on; When the second period of cycle 10 ends, the program runs to the end, all outputs are turned off, and the buzzer beeps (press any key to silence the sound).

8. Note: When the humidity of the constant temperature and humidity chamber is set to 0, neither humidification nor dehumidification will be opened. It can be used as a biochemical tank.

KENTON humidity chamber




Written by KENTON CN


A lab worker

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